On the last day of school before the Easter vacations (March 22), our annual spring ball tournament for the 4th-6th grades and the Biesalski School took place at the Cole Sports Center. The 10 playing teams were cheered on loudly. The matches were played simultaneously on three pitches in 7-minute games. On the one hand, the aim was to get rid of as many of the opposing team’s ends as possible and, on the other, to remain as fair as possible. At the end of the tournament, which was fair and full of atmosphere, class 5.2 were crowned the winners of the 5. and 6th grade and the Biesalski School. Class 4.3 won the 4th class tournament. Without losing a single fairness point, the Biesalski School team took home the fantastic fairness trophy. Of course, the usual shower of sweets was a must at the end. We would like to thank all the referees and look forward to an equally enjoyable start to the Easter vacations next year.