School enrolment is celebrated throughout Germany at the beginning of the first grade. At our school we are also happy to celebrate this tradition.

Our enrolment ceremony always takes place on the Saturday after the get-to-know-you week in our auditorium (gymnasium), i.e. one week after the summer vacations.

It is a big event for the whole family, which may include grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles.
Of course, the child who starts school is the focus of attention on this day.
It is given small gifts by friends and relatives and receives a special honor.


The enrollment ceremony for the children starting school in 2025/26,
starts on September 13, 2025 at 10am!

Every family is welcome and we look forward to a beautiful, heartfelt enrollment celebration for your children!

Our school enrolment ceremony, at which the children are asked to come with a filled and closed school bag (more information on this can be found below) and their (empty) school bag (we don’t want them to have to carry sooo much smile ), usually consists of a short speech by the school management and small performances prepared by the school sponsor classes. In addition, the class teams (teachers & educators) introduce themselves and show the children their classroom. Meanwhile, parents continue to receive useful information in the sportshall. Following the official school ceremony in the the sportshall, all families can take photos on our school grounds before continuing the celebration at home (or in another location). Only then can the children open their school cones and enjoy the many great gifts!

We ask for pandemic caution

We want to minimise potential risk of infection, which means please remember to wear an FFP2 mask if you have cold symptoms.

Do you have any questions?

No problem, we are happy to help! The best time to clarify any uncertainties is at the 0.parents’ evening, which usually takes place in June before the summer vacations!


The school cone is brought to the school enrolment ceremony, but is only opened at home after the school ceremony.
It can be homemade or bought in stationery stores. We ask that the school cone is approx. 70-85cm in size.

A school cone is essential for the school enrolment ceremony!

It is the parent’s job to fill this school cone and then seal it so the contents cannot be seen or accidentally fall out. You can fill the bag with the following: School materials such as writing and craft materials (for this you will receive a material list at the 0.Elternabend from the class leader), small books, stickers, toys, a cuddly toy and only a few sweets (if possible with little sugar and no nuts – there may always be someone who is allergic). The contents of the school bag should be a surprise, so hide it well at home!

Your child will need additional materials for a successful day at school. Please do not bring these with you to the enrolment ceremony, but to the Get-to-know-you day which takes place during the week BEFORE the enrolment ceremony.

Don’t forget to bring your camera to the first day of school party.
And make sure you ask someone to take a photo of the whole family.







© 2024 Quentin Blake Primary School SESB 06G12