Spring Ball 2024

On the last day of school before the Easter vacations (March 22), our annual spring ball tournament for the 4th-6th grades and the Biesalski School took place at the Cole Sports Center. The 10 playing teams were cheered on loudly. The matches were played...

Wheelchair basketball national competition 2024

Wheelchair basketball state competition 2024 as part of the ALBA & Allianz Wheelchair Basketball School League We were there with a Quen-Bies team! On March 20, 2024, the qualifying games for the national finals for Youth Trained for Olympics and Paralympics took...

Easter photo competition

Simply take photos with your library bag, submit them and with luck you’ll win a bookshop voucher and a QBGS T-shirt! Easter photo competitionThe Förderverein...

Participation in Jetzt kliqt’s 2.0

Kick-off event on 19.10.2023 Our school children, together with other schools that are also committed to preventing climate change, met with the district mayor Maren Schellenberg at the kick-off event ‘Jetzt kliqt’s 2.0’ on 19.10.23 at Mühlenau-GS....

New balancing equipment for the schoolyard

Inauguration of the new balancing equipment: slackline and swivel worm Am letzten Freitag wurden in der 1. großen Pause unsere beiden neuen Spielgeräte auf dem Schulhof eingeweiht. Die Herausforderung, die Balancierstrecke zu absolvieren, nahmen Groß und Klein sofort...

mini marathon 2023

Am Samstag, den 23.9.2023 sind wir mit 56 QBGS-Kids an den Start des Berliner Mini-Marathons gegangen. Das Wetter spielte uns in die Karten, die Stimmung war gut. Alle kamen rotwangig, sturzfrei und wohlbehalten im Ziel an. Die Atmosphäre war beeindruckend und … es...