Our school offers numerous events throughout the year. Many of these events are already firmly anchored in our regular school calendar and we are happy to give as many people as possible an insight into our school life through these various festivities. In addition to an open-house afternoon, which is aimed at families interested in sending their children to our school, we offer our school children the opportunity to apply their skills in various competitions including reading aloud, mathematics or sports. At fun events like carnival or Halloween, we can marvel at creative costumes, maybe get a little scared and, above all, celebrate together! During our Christmas Concerts we get in the mood for the Christmas season and celebrate the exciting build up to Christmas!

Our school colour day, which is every Friday, connects the school community. It gives the children the chance to identify with Quentin Blake Elementary School by wearing the school colours ‘yellow’ and ‘blue’, and to be proud of being part of our school community!

May 13, 2022:

FUNRUN with celebration for
Achieving ’30 Years as a State European School &
20 Years of Quentin Blake Elementary School’

Endlich sind wir wieder zurück!
Am 13.5.2022 konnten wir endlich wieder in gewohnter Form feiern. Im Rahmen des 30-jährigen Jubiläums der Staatlichen Europaschulen Berlins, gestalteten wir einen bunten Tag für die Schulgemeinschaft. Am Vormittag organisierten wir gemeinsam mit der Biesalskischule ein Sport- und Spielefest für die Kinder. Alle Klassen bereiteten Spielestände vor und betreuten diese ganz begeistert. Unter den 21 verschiedenen Spielen gab es vom Tauziehen und Rolli-Basketball über Papierfliegerweitflug, Slap The Rat und Kooperationsparcours das beliebte Kistenklettern und noch vieles mehr. Auch die erste Assembly fand nach 3 Jahren Pause endlich wieder statt.
Nach der Mittagspause trafen sich alle Schüler*innen gut gelaunt in der Turnhalle, um in unseren offiziellen Festakt zu starten. Die intensiv geprobte Vertrauens-30 wurde geordnet auf dem Schulhof aufgebaut. Die Erstklässler bekamen einen Europaluftballon in die Hand und bildeten den Außenrahmen des Bildes. Als alle Kinder übereinandersaßen, die Spannung brodelte und die Musik lauter wurde, stiegen 100 Ballons in den Berliner Himmel. Das wunderbare Bild wurde vom Dach der Turnhalle fotografiert.
Herr Müller und Ms. Ilmer sprachen über den Erfolg der Europaschulen und die positiven Effekte auf die Regelklassen zu den Kindern und Kolleg*innen.
Im Anschluss an den Festakt startete dann endlich der FunRun. Eine Bühne sorgte für ein abwechslungsreiches Kulturprogramm, die Erasmus-AG präsentierte eine kleine Europaausstellung.
Im gewohnten feierlichen Rahmen der Schulgemeinschaft konnten die Kinder an den Start gehen. Es wurde gerannt, angefeuert, geschwitzt, geschlemmt, getanzt, gequatscht, Pflaster (nur 1😉) geklebt, Trinkbecher aufgefüllt, bunte Arme begutachtete und letztendlich gespendet. Die Musik begleitete uns durch den sonnigen Nachmittag, ehemalige und zukünftige Schüler*innen waren aktiv dabei. Die Stände der Eltern waren unglaublich vielfältig.
Für viele Familien war es der erste FunRun. Wir freuen uns über diese zurückgewonnene Normalität und hoffen, dass alle so viel Spaß hatten wie wir!!!

Coffee hour

All parents and educators are cordially invited to an informal exchange. Every Thursday from 3:30 p.m. we meet over coffee and biscuits and exchange ideas on a wide variety of topics. The meeting point is in front of the student entrance. Conflicts, rumors and the like should be avoided.

Please bring a reusable cup. for the sake of the environment.

Christmas concerts

Every two years we organize festive Christmas concerts on three consecutive evenings. Here all classes show what they have practiced over the past few weeks.


A witch teaches dinosaurs, princesses, spiderman, batman, cops, bees, wizards and vampires! The children and the teaching staff experience such a scenario on carnival day! We usually have breakfast and celebrate together. Fun for everyone!

Fun Run

Diversity as common ground

The Fun Run has been taking place at our school for 25 years. This is a sponsored run through which students raise money that is then invested in play and sports equipment. The Fun Run takes place during a big festival where the parents provide the refreshments. The children run, cheer, sweat, feast, dance, chat, donate, put plasters on, their water cups are filled, colourful arms showing completed laps are admired, which result in generous donations! The music accompanies the run through the afternoon and into the evening. Former and future students and colleagues are always actively involved. The school community gets to know each other better and forms a closer bond.


This is one of our favourite events! Not only do we see so many creative costumes on this day, but we also celebrate in a scary atmosphere in our school after darkness falls! A scary tunnel created by the children in the 4th grade and their parents is the highlight!

Lantern Parade

In cooperation with the Tom Sawyer Kindergarten and the Flanagankita, a lantern parade takes place once a year on St. Martin’s Day. This usually starts in the Kindergarten and ends on our school premises.

Open House

Once a year at 5 p.m. we open our doors to anyone interested in learning more about our school. During a short presentation by our school management, in which the registration process for the children to be enrolled is discussed, we introduce ourselves and our school. We look forward to your visit and your questions!

School Colour Day

Every Friday is school colour day. The school colours (on the school logo and on school branded clothing) are blue and yellow. All employees and all children are asked to wear a yellow or blue piece of clothing on this day. Some classes also made fun hats for the last Friday.

Speaker's Corner

During the pandemic, a Speakers Corner was established in our school. Every Thursday at the pick-up time at 4 p.m., children from our school have the opportunity to present what they have studied to the school community and their parents in the courtyard next to the school children’s entrance. Songs are sung, poems are recited, music is played or danced to.

Reading Competitions

Every year we offer our school children the opportunity to take part in reading competitions. These take place in the respective mother tongue of the child (i.e. either in English or in German).



Numerous sporting events form an important part of our school community. During the sports events, the children learn in a playful way how to work together, how to focus on winning (although that is only incidental, because after all, taking part is everything!) and how to be part of a team! All these things are important for the future, and we are happy to offer all children numerous sports activites in which they can participate.


  • Entenstaffel
  • Frühlingsball (früher: Strafbankvölkerball)
  • Fun Run
  • Football tournaments
  • Mini marathon
  • Penguin cup
  • Wheelchair day
  • Swimming competitions
  • and much more…

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