As many parents are already used to from kindergarden, health is a really big issue! Wherever many children meet, spend time and learn/play together, infections often occur unintentionally. This can be related to head lice or illnesses such as colds/flu, gastrointestinal diseases and many more. Unfortunately, the pandemic has also taught us worse and continues to show us how important health is and what impact it has on our daily routine as a family and school!

According to this, it is important to keep the risk of infection as low as possible and to offer the sick children the opportunity to recover at home. You can read further down on this page how to proceed in the event of a sudden illness in the morning.

In addition to unpleasant illnesses, we also have good news:
At our school, all children are checked for their dental hygiene every year!


…then we wish you a speedy recovery!

Please note that in the event of an infectious disease, special measures must be taken at the school (keyword ‘pandemic’).

Please note that the above steps must be followed, otherwise the days of absence will be considered unexcused and will be noted on the report card!


Please do NOT send your child to school!

Inform the school before 8:00 a.m. that your child will not be coming to school.
This can happen in several ways of communication:

Option 1:
You write an email with brief information about the symptoms of the illness

with the subject
‘[Name Ihres Kindes] & [Klasse]’

Option 2:
You use the contact form for sick leave here on the website (see below).

We recommend consulting a doctor during the morning (for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment) to determine whether the disease is contagious or not.


If the condition has not improved and your child is still unable to go to school, we recommend that you take the child to a doctor on that day at the latest and find out why the condition is not improving.

Here we ask for a certificate from the doctor confirming the illness and, if necessary, indicating how long the child will be absent.



Please remember to give your child a written excuse stating the reason for the absence (illness). You can also attach the medical certificate. This is then given to the class teacher (and not to the secretariat).


Here you have the possibility to report your child sick for today.

Sie können bis spätestens 8:00 Uhr am selben Tag die Mittagessen-Abmeldung entweder online in Ihrem Luna-Kundenkonto Login (, per E-Mail Bescheid geben oder telefonisch unter Tel: 030 367595-0 vornehmen.

Here you will find all important forms
on the subject of ‘Health’


If your child has an accident at school or suddenly feels very ill, we need reliable information about who to notify. If we cannot reach anyone, we will observe the child in the rest area of the classroom in minor cases.

In serious cases, we will have him/her taken to a hospital by ambulance.

In such emergencies, one of the following people (e.g. grandparents, relatives, friends, neighbours, classmate parents) should be notified. Please ensure that the school is always informed of the current emergency contacts (names,

mobile phone numbers, email addresses of relevant persons, if applicable). A ranking of the people to be contacted first would also be useful here.

Your details will be treated with absolute confidentiality and are only accessible to the staff, the School officials and the secretary.


We have been living in a pandemic since March 2020, which has changed our everyday school life a lot. All people on the school grounds or in the school building must follow the applicable rules made by the Senate. We regularly communicate the current rules and regulations via email newsletters. You will also find the information on our school website.

In general, no prescribed measures apply at the moment (as of June 2022), but we still ask for pandemic caution. We would appreciate if visitors or parents continue to comply with the following: compulsory medical masks (ie FFP masks), 1.5m distance and washing hands regularly. Changes can occur here at short notice. We ask you to always inform yourself which current regulations and measures must be observed in order not to endanger the health of our students and staff. You can find them here:


Are there any health issues or medications your child takes regularly?

Then please ask the class teacher for our information sheet ‘Medication’ and fill out the medication profile that you will find on the back of the information sheet.

If medication is taken regularly, a detailed written task assignment must be made with the following points:

  • Drug name, dosage, form of administration and time of drug administration
  • Storage of the drug (e.g. refrigerator)
  • Name and telephone number of the doctor treating you in case of queries.

This is just a small part that needs to be clarified when taking medication.
We therefore ask you to hand in the completed profile to the class teacher at the beginning of the school year.


Persons with head lice are not allowed to enter a community facility in which children and young people are cared for (IfSG § 34 para. 1.).

To kill the head lice, please use a pharmacy-only drug or medical device approved for head lice treatment. In addition, combs, brushes, hats, hair curlers, bicycle helmets, child seats, hair nets, etc. of all family members must be cleaned thoroughly.

In order to achieve a successful treatment of head lice, a second treatment, 8-10 days after the first, is necessary, since the active ingredients do not always have a sufficient effect on the lice eggs and larvae can hatch in the meantime.

Furthermore, you are obliged to inform other contact persons. Therefore, please also inform the class teacher and the parent representatives of the class about your child’s head lice infestation.


All children of primary school age are examined annually by the dental service of the public health department. Your child is obliged to take part in this dental screening. You will be informed of the date for the examination by the school. You will of course be informed of the test results.


Children must be vaccinated against measles from March 1, 2020. The proof must actually have been provided at the school entrance examination carried out before the start of school. This will be verified using one of the following: vaccination book, medical certificate of immunity, or written confirmation from a government agency or other body that proof has already been submitted.

If we have not received confirmation of this from the health department, we will request proof of the class management. If you have not submitted any evidence to the school when requested, you must expect a report in accordance with Section 20 of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG), which will be sent to the health department. The school is obliged to report the students to the health department without proof.

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