As the name suggests, QBU (Quentin Blake United) was formed as a committee to improve the cohesion of our school community. Teachers, parents and educators are therefore invited to meet monthly to plan and implement measures, events and projects in order to achieve this goal.

This year we focused on improving communication between the different groups in our school and developing the school spirit.

Our key actions to improve school spirit are the introduction of Speakers Corner and School Color Day.

In order to re-establish the class council as the center of discourse and to promote behavior that prevents the exclusion and abuse of students among themselves, we have introduced the “Question of the Month” project. Classes should discuss how to help classmates, help those who are marginalized, stand up to mean classmates, and what they do
what they expect from the adult staff members on their class council each month. The results were published on pinboards in the atrium and are evaluated by the student council.

Our latest project is the Coffee Hour. Here, communication should be improved in order to prevent conflicts from arising in the first place.

We cordially invite you to take part. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Sharpe ( n.sharpe@tjfbg.de ), Ms. Schulz ( schulz@qbgs.de ) or Ms. Grant ( grant@qbgs.de ).

©QBGS, 2022

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