Our writing workshop is open to all pupils in grades 3-6 who like to tell stories and enjoy writing fiction, non-fiction, plays and poetry. Sessions explore characterisation, plot, setting, and dialogue to improve story writing skills. The best work is submitted to competitions, presented at the school assembly, featured on the school website and published in Young Writers’ Magazine.
If you are interested, talk to Ms Wagner. The writing lessons take place in the IT room.


The title ‘ I have a Dream ‘ refers to a famous speech by Martin Luther King, a civil rights activist who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. World peace, human rights and racial equality are still relevant issues today and older students in particular may be interested in exploring these issues further.
Younger students, on the other hand, could take ‘ I Have a Dream’ literally and focus on what they wish for their own future or the future of the planet. Contributions could also include other important topics such as the environment, animal welfare and artificial intelligence.

As for the result, be creative! Students may submit speeches, short stories, song lyrics, poems, comics or any other form of illustration, poster, anti-war leaflet, sculpture or photographic material.
Please note: No physical artwork should be sent. To enter the competition, any artwork, photo or text must be sent digitally by a teacher (maximum 3 students per class) or parent/carer to the email address below. The deadline for entries is June 27th.

Mrs Wagner

Mrs Wagner


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