Dear Parents,
“One should celebrate the festivals as they come” – unfortunately that was no longer the case.
Our 24th Quentin Blake – Fun Run will take place again in its traditional form.
Date: May 13, 2022 (alternative date if the weather on the 13th does not cooperate at all: May 20th )
This year we are not only celebrating the FunRun, but also the 30th anniversary of the State European Schools . In addition, we organize a colorful day with your children.
At 2:00 p.m. there will be a school-wide anniversary campaign followed by a ceremony. The Fun Run then takes place afterwards.
How does our FunRun work?
>The children of all classes are looking for sponsors in their family and circle of acquaintances. These sponsors agree to pay a certain amount for each lap completed by the child and fill out the sponsor card accordingly (see sponsor card attached in the last email. Your child received the original on Friday.).
>The number of laps completed will be entered into a certificate on the day of the race.
>The parents transfer the number of laps completed to the sponsor card and return it to school with the sponsor proceeds in a sealed envelope (labeled with class and name) via the post folder by May 25th, 2022. The class teachers collect the envelopes. The association will issue you with a donation receipt.
The money raised will be invested in further exercise options for the sports area / schoolyard.
Such a festival can only succeed with the participation of many!
How can parents support us? Please take on the following jobs: