For the past ten years, the school project weeks have traditionally taken place every year for all fourth-grade pupils in the Cabuwazi circus (in Treptow). The subjects are called acrobatics, clowning, juggling or rope walking. During the project weeks of Cabuwazi, the children exchange the school desks with the circus ring for a week. Here our pupils can discover new skills, learn skills and become a tightrope walker, trapeze artist or ringmaster in just four days. The highlight of the circus week is the final performance on Friday. Here all children shine as stars in the ring.

A circus project week begins Monday morning with getting to know the location, the artistic disciplines and the team through a playful warm-up. At the end of the training day, the children choose two disciplines with which they will perform in a final performance on Friday. On Tuesday and Wednesday the performances are worked on and the costumes are selected. On Thursday, after a rehearsal, the dress rehearsal with music and costumes takes place and ends on Friday with a public performance in the circus tent, to which the pupils invite their families, relatives and friends as well as other classes and teachers from our school.

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